Fee Service Tutorials

How to create fees in Emporix system

The Fee Service allows you to manage additional fees that you want to connect to specific items. For example, you can add a fee and link it to a product or a payment type.

How to create a product fee

Follow these steps to create a fee and connect it to a product.

  1. Create a fee
To create a fee in the system, send the request to the Creating fee endpoint.
Make sure you provide the relevant siteCode of a site that you want to apply the fee to.
  1. Copy the feeId of the created fee. To add the fee to the specific product, send the request to the Adding a list of fees to a product endpoint.
In the request path parameter, provide the productId to add the fee to. The siteCode in the query parameter must correspond to the site you've created the fee for.
  1. To make sure the fee has been added properly, you can send the request to the Retrieving all fees with the given productId endpoint.
In the query parameter, provide the siteCode of the specific site the fee was applied to, for example ?siteCode=DE.
Or, you can check if the fee was applied by sending the request to the Searching itemFees by productId endpoint.

How to create a payment fee

The Fee Service supports adding fees to payments methods. See the example of creating a fee for a payment type.

  1. First, create a fee by sending the request to the Creating fee endpoint.
When creating a payment fee, the fee code has to be identical with the payment mode code. To check the available payment modes for a given site, make a call to the Retrieving all the payment modes endpoint first. Notice the code in the above payload corresponds to the payment mode code we want ta apply the fee to.
  1. Copy the feeId. To connect the fee to the specific payment type, create the item fee by sending the request to the Creating itemFee endpoint and specify the itemYrn of the chosen payment type in the request body.
Notice the part of itemYrn contains the payment mode code which is identical with the fee code.
  1. Apply the fee to the payment mode. Make a call to the Adding a list of fees to an item endpoint. You need to specify the itemYrn of the chosen payment type in the request path and pass the feeId in the body.

This operation overwrites the item's fees. For each payment mode you can create and connect one fee only.

  1. To make sure the fee has been applied to the payment, send the request to the Checking of a fee has been applied endpoint.

The response contains the details of the fee applied to the payment for a given site.