Coupon Service Tutorials

How to enable referral coupons

Configure your main site's referral coupon settings

Referral coupon settings are stored in your main site's couponSettings mixin.First, check if your couponSettings mixin has already been configured by sending a request to the Retrieving a site mixin endpoint.
If your site's couponSettings have never been configured before or have been deleted, you will receive a 404 error in the response body.In this case, to configure referral coupons, you need to send a request to the Creating a site mixin endpoint.
If your site's couponSettings have already been configured, you will receive them in the response body. In this case, to configure referral coupons, you need to send a request to the Partially updating a site mixin endpoint.

Configure referral email templates

Referral email templates are referenced in the emailTemplates configuration in the Configuration Service. First, check if your emailTemplates have already been configured by sending a request to the Retrieving a configuration endpoint.
If your emailTemplates have never been configured before or have been deleted, you will receive a 404 error in the response body. In this case, to configure referral email templates, you need to send a request to the Creating configurations endpoint.
If your emailTemplates have already been configured, you will receive them in the response body. In this case, you need to copy the response body and add the following objects to the value array:
    "name": "referralCouponMailTemplate",
    "languages": {
        "de": 604558,
        "en": 604608,
        "pt": 1694106,
        "nb": 855168
    "name": "referralCouponRedemptionMailTemplate",
    "languages": {
        "de": 605150,
        "en": 605211,
        "pt": 1694130,
        "nb": 858154
To add referral email templates to an existing emailTemplates configuration, you need to send a request to the Updating a configuration endpoint.

How to generate a referral coupon for a specific customer

To manually generate a referral coupon for a specific customer, you need to send a request to the Creating a referral coupon code for a specific customer endpoint.

How to retrieve a specific customer's referral coupon

To retrieve referral coupon information for a specific customer, you need to send a request to the Retrieving customer's referral coupon code endpoint.