
Learn more about any recent changes in the Emporix API.

Last updated 2025-03-28

Customer Service - removed couponMixin mixin


The couponMixin mixin has been removed from the customer model. The mixin was used to store referralCouponCode of the customer. The information about referral coupon is now stored in the Coupon model.

Known problems

There are no known problems.

Last updated 2025-03-28

Coupon Service - new referralCoupon field in the coupon model


A new referralCoupon field has been added to the endpoint. This field indicates if the coupon is of a referral coupon type.

Updated endpoints

Retrieving list of coupons by criteriaNew property referralCoupon added to the response.
Retrieving information about particular coupon by codeNew property referralCoupon added to the response.

Known problems

There are no known problems.

Last updated 2025-03-28

Coupon Service - deprecations


All deprecations will be removed on 2025-10-01. From now, use the /coupon/ base path for all the coupons endpoints to manage coupons and referral coupons.

Deprecated endpoints

Retrieving list of coupons by criteriaEndpoint will be removed and moved under the /coupon/ base path.
Creating a new couponEndpoint will be removed and moved under the /coupon/ base path.
Retrieving information about particular coupon by codeEndpoint will be removed and moved under the /coupon/ base path.
Updating the coupon by codeEndpoint will be removed and moved under the /coupon/ base path.
Partially updating the coupon by codeEndpoint will be removed and moved under the /coupon/ base path.
Deleting a coupon by codeEndpoint will be removed and moved under the /coupon/ base path.
Validating redeemability of a couponEndpoint will be removed and moved under the /coupon/ base path.
Retrieving a list of redemptions by criteriaEndpoint will be removed and moved under the /coupon/ base path.
Redeeming the coupon by creating a redemptionEndpoint will be removed and moved under the /coupon/ base path.
Retrieving a coupon redemptionEndpoint will be removed and moved under the /coupon/ base path.
Deleting a coupon redemptionEndpoint will be removed and moved under the /coupon/ base path.

Known problems

There are no known problems.

Last updated 2025-03-28

Referral Coupon Service - deprecations


All deprecations will be removed on 2025-10-01. From now, use the new referral coupons endpoints to referral coupons.

Deprecated endpoints

Retrieving customer's referral coupon codeEndpoint will be removed. Use the new GET endpoint instead.
Creating a referral coupon code for a specific customerEndpoint will be removed. Use the new POST endpoint instead.

Known problems

There are no known problems.

Last updated 2025-03-21

Sequential ID Service - siteCode query param


Query param siteCode has been added to endpoints responsible for generating next ids. The siteCode is used to resolve certain placeholders. Placeholders such as __year__, __month__, __day__, __hour__, __minute__, __second__ and __country__, which are defined in the schema, can have some default values computed when their counterparts are missing in the request body. The default values are derived from the site. Specifically:
  • All date-related placeholders are computed based on the site.homeBase.timezone field.
  • The country placeholder is replaced with the value of the field.

If these values are missing in a site configuration, the following defaults are used:

  • UTC for timezone
  • DE for country

Updated endpoints

Creating a nextIdQuery param siteCode added.
Creating a nextId for schema typeQuery param siteCode added.
Creating a nextId for schema typesQuery param siteCode added.

Known problems

There are no known problems.

Last updated 2025-03-21

Site Settings Service - timezone field added


The timezone field has been added to the site.homeBase request and response body. For now, this field is used by the Sequential ID Service to generate fallback values for placeholders such as:
  • __year__
  • __month__
  • __day__
  • __hour__
  • __minute__
  • __second__

Updated endpoints

Retrieving sitesThe homeBase.timezone field added to the response body.
Retrieving a siteThe homeBase.timezone field added to the response body.
Creating a siteThe homeBase.timezone field added to the request body.
Fully updating a siteThe homeBase.timezone field added to the request body.
Partially updating a siteThe homeBase.timezone field added to the request body.

Known problems

There are no known problems.

New Feature
Last updated 2025-03-17

Order service - new endpoints to fetch orders for a legal entity


New endpoints have been introduced to retrieve orders for a legal entity. These endpoints allow fetching multiple orders or a specific order associated with a legal entity. The response structure remains identical to the existing order retrieval endpoints for tenants and customer-managed orders.

New endpoints

Retrieving legal entity ordersRetrieves a list of orders related to a particular legal entity for a customer. To be used by B2B customers on the storefront.
Retrieving legal entity orderRetrieves an order related to a particular legal entity for a customer. To be used by B2B customers on the storefront.

Known problems

There are no known problems.

Last updated 2025-03-07

Order service - calculated prices


The Order Service has transitioned to using new calculated price attributes at both order and entry levels. The following changes have been implemented:

  • New mandatory attributes: calculatedPrice (order level), calculatedPrice and calculatedUnitPrice (entry level).
  • Previously used price attributes (totalPrice, unitPrice) are now marked as deprecated and optional.
  • Backward compatibility is maintained - the API will continue to work if deprecated price attributes are provided without the new calculated price attributes.

These changes streamline price handling while ensuring existing integrations continue to function without disruption.

Updated endpoints

Creating a new order (tenant-managed)Order level calculatedPrice marked as mandatory and totalPrice marked as optional.
Creating a new order (tenant-managed)Order entry level calculatedPrice marked as mandatory and totalPrice marked as optional.
Creating a new order (tenant-managed)Order entry level calculatedUnitPrice marked as mandatory and unitPrice marked as optional.
Creating a new order (customer-managed)Order level calculatedPrice marked as mandatory and totalPrice marked as optional.
Creating a new order (customer-managed)Order entry level calculatedPrice marked as mandatory and totalPrice marked as optional.
Creating a new order (customer-managed)Order entry level calculatedUnitPrice marked as mandatory and unitPrice marked as optional.

Known problems

There are no known problems.

Last updated 2025-03-05

Order service - Legal Entity information in the order model


A new optional legalEntityId field has been added to the endpoint. This field is intended exclusively for B2B cases and specifies the legal entity for which the order was created.

Updated endpoints

Creating a new orderNew request attribute legalEntityId added.
Updating an orderNew request attribute legalEntityId added.
Partially updating an orderNew request attribute legalEntityId added.
Retrieving ordersNew response attribute legalEntityId added.
Retrieving a specific order by IDNew response attribute legalEntityId added.

Known problems

There are no known problems.

Last updated 2025-03-05

Weight dependent products


A new boolean attribute weightDependent has been added to the product model. It allows to mark the product as weight-dependent if the line item price can change after packaging. This is necessary to ensure that credit card payments can be authorized. Having the attribute available directly on the product level, the corresponding attribute weightDependent in Adding a product to cart API has been deprecated. The cart services checks the value specified on a product model and sets the weightDependent value on the cart item.

Updated endpoints

Adding a product to cartDeprecated request attribute weightDependent.
Adding multiple products to cartDeprecated request attribute weightDependent.
Creating a new productNew request attribute weightDependent added.
Creating multiple productsNew request attribute weightDependent added.
Upserting a productNew request attribute weightDependent added.
Upserting multiple productsNew request attribute weightDependent added.
Partially updating a productNew request attribute weightDependent added.
Retrieving a productNew response attribute weightDependent added.
Retrieving all of productsNew response attribute weightDependent added.

Known problems

There are no known problems.

Last updated 2025-03-04

Important Security Update – Discontinuation of Weak Cipher Support


We are committed to ensuring the highest level of security for our API services. As part of this commitment, we are discontinuing support for weak cryptographic ciphers (

This update is essential to maintain the security and integrity of the data exchanged between your systems and our API.

Effective 24th of March, we will no longer support the following cipher suites:

These cipher suites rely on older encryption methods that are vulnerable to modern security threats. To ensure the highest level of security and compatibility, we will continue supporting strong ciphers, including TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3 protocols.

What do you need to do:

Ensure that your systems and applications are configured to use the following ciphers:

  • TLSv1.2: ciphers: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 (ecdh_x25519) TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256 (ecdh_x25519) TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 (ecdh_x25519)
  • TLSv1.3: ciphers: TLS_AKE_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 (ecdh_x25519) TLS_AKE_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 (ecdh_x25519) TLS_AKE_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256 (ecdh_x25519)

Last updated 2025-03-04

Media Service - support for brands


Request body for creating or updating assets has been extended with new reference type - BRAND - which should be used to assign media to the brands.

Updated endpoints

Creating a mediaRequest body's refIds.type field has a new enum value - BRAND.
Updating a mediaRequest body's refIds.type field has a new enum value - BRAND.

Known problems

There are no known problems.

Last updated 2025-03-04

Brand Service - deprecations


All deprecations will be removed on 2025-09-01. From now on, use the media-service endpoints to manage media for brands.

Deprecated endpoints

Creating a mediaEndpoint will be removed.
Deleting a mediaEndpoint will be removed.
Creating a brandThe image and cloudinaryUrl fields will be removed from request body.
Updating a brandThe image and cloudinaryUrl fields will be removed from request body.
Partially updating a brandThe image and cloudinaryUrl fields will be removed from request body.

Known problems

There are no known problems.

Last updated 2025-03-04

Shopping List Service - metadata field changes


The metadata field at root level is now deprecated in GET responses, as each shopping list now maintains its own independent metadata field. This field will be fully removed on September 1st, 2025. Additionally we have added version validation for update operation where you can provide version in the update payload to validate it against the current entity version, preventing unintentional overriding when multiple updates occur simultaneously.

Updated endpoints

Retrieving a shopping listDeprecated metadata field on root level and added metadata field to each shopping list.
Retrieving a customer shopping listDeprecated metadata field on root level and added metadata field to each shopping list.
Updating a customer shopping listAdded metadata.version to request payload which allows for version validation

Known problems

There are no known problems.

Last updated 2025-02-26

OAuth service - Legal Entity information in the auth token


An optional legalEntityId query parameter has been introduced to the endpoint. This is the recommended way to store information about the selected legal entity in the system. Upon logging in, users should select a legal entity they want to act on behalf of. It invokes the refresh token endpoint with the chosen entity. If the value is provided in the request, the validation process ensures that the customer is assigned to the specified legal entity.

Updated endpoints

Refreshing a tokenThe endpoint extended with an optional legalEntityId query param.

Known problems

There are no known problems.

Last updated 2025-02-24

Media Service - support for labels


Request body for creating or updating assets has been extended with new reference type - LABEL - which should be used to assign media to the labels.

Updated endpoints

Creating a mediaRequest body's refIds.type field has a new enum value - LABEL.
Updating a mediaRequest body's refIds.type field has a new enum value - LABEL.

Known problems

There are no known problems.

Last updated 2025-02-24

Label Service - deprecations


All deprecations will be removed on 2025-09-01. From now on, use the media-service endpoints to manage media for labels.

Deprecated endpoints

Creating a mediaEndpoint will be removed.
Deleting a mediaEndpoint will be removed.
Creating a labelThe image and cloudinaryUrl fields will be removed from request body.
Updating a labelThe image and cloudinaryUrl fields will be removed from request body.
Partially updating a labelThe image and cloudinaryUrl fields will be removed from request body.

Known problems

There are no known problems.

Last updated 2025-02-19

Customer Segments Service - expanded response for retrieving category trees for a customer segments endpoint


From now on, the response of the "Retrieving category trees for a customer segments" endpoint includes new fields: localizedDescription, localizedSlug, ecn, validity, position, and published, which allows fetching complete category tree information in a single request.

Updated endpoints

Retrieving category trees for a customer segmentsAdded localizedDescription, localizedSlug, ecn, validity, position, and published fields to the responses.

Known problems

There are no known problems.

Last updated 2025-02-18

Cart Service - deprecated fields


Several fields in cart's response have been deprecated and are now replaced by calculatedPrice and unitPrice fields. The new fields provide a more comprehensive and consistent way to access price calculations.

Deprecated cart-level fields:

  • totalPrice - use calculatedPrice.finalPrice instead
  • subTotalPrice - use calculatedPrice.price or calculatedPrice.discountedPrice instead
  • taxAggregate - use calculatedPrice.finalPrice.taxAggregate instead
  • subtotalAggregate - use calculatedPrice.price instead
  • totalDiscount - use calculatedPrice.totalDiscount instead
  • feeYrnAggregate - use calculatedPrice.totalFees and items[].calculatedPrice.fees instead
  • shipping - use calculatedPrice.totalShipping instead
  • itemFeesTotal - use calculatedPrice.totalFee instead
  • paymentFeesTotal - use calculatedPrice.paymentFees instead
  • totalAuthorizedAmount - use calculatedPrice.upliftValue instead

Deprecated cart item-level fields:

  • price - use unitPrice instead
  • itemPrice - use unitPrice instead
  • itemTaxInfo - use calculatedPrice.price instead
  • fees - use calculatedPrice.fees instead
  • authorizedAmount - use calculatedPrice.upliftValue instead
  • totalDiscount - use calculatedPrice.totalDiscount instead
  • externalFees - use calculatedPrice.fees instead
  • couponDiscounts - use calculatedPrice.totalDiscounts.appliedDiscounts instead

Updated endpoints

Retrieving cart details by IDDeprecated response fields are replaced by calculatedPrice and unitPrice.
Retrieving cart details by criteriaDeprecated response fields are replaced by calculatedPrice and unitPrice.
Retrieving all products added to a cartDeprecated response fields are replaced by calculatedPrice and unitPrice.

Known problems

There are no known problems.

Last updated 2025-02-18

Cart Service - deprecated field


When applying discount on a cart, the request allows to specify calculationType with following values: ApplyDiscountBeforeTax, ApplyDiscountAfterTax The field has been deprecated, cart's calculatedPrice relays on site's configuration includesTax which defines whether the discount should be applied on net or gross prices.

Updated endpoints

Applying a discount to cartDeprecated request attribute calculationType

Known problems

There are no known problems.

Last updated 2025-02-18

Fee management - new validation added


A validation rule ensures fee data consistency by requiring a taxCode when creating or updating fees with taxable=true. This enforces the logical dependency between taxation status and tax code identification.

Updated endpoints

Creating feeAdded validation of taxCode fee is marked with taxable=true
Retrieving fee by idAdded validation of taxCode fee is marked with taxable=true

Known problems

There are no known problems.

Last updated 2025-02-18

Site Settings - new field


A new cartCalculationScale field has been added to the site setting. The field allows to control the number of decimal points in cart's calculatedPrice attributes.

Updated endpoints

Creating a siteAdded cartCalculationScale field to the request.
Fully updating a siteAdded cartCalculationScale field to the request.
Partially updating a siteAdded cartCalculationScale field to the request.
Retrieving a siteAdded cartCalculationScale field to the responses.

Known problems

There are no known problems.

Last updated 2025-02-14

Customer Service - new field


A new lastLogin field has been added to the customer response, returning a date-time string. If the value is null, it indicates that the customer has not logged in since the field was introduced (14-02-2025).

Updated endpoints

Retrieving a customer's profileAdded lastLogin field to the responses.
Retrieving a customer profileAdded lastLogin field to the responses.
Retrieving a list of customersAdded lastLogin field to the responses.

Known problems

There are no known problems.

Last updated 2025-02-05

Cart Service - enhanced price calculation details


The Cart Service now provides detailed price calculation information through the calculatedPrice field. This enhancement gives a comprehensive breakdown of prices including net values, gross values, tax details, fees, and discounts for both the entire cart and individual line items.

Updated endpoints

Retrieving cart details by criteriaAdded calculatedPrice field to cart and cart items responses.
Retrieving cart details by IDAdded calculatedPrice field to cart and cart items responses.
Retrieving all products added to a cartAdded calculatedPrice field to cart items responses.

Known problems

There are no known problems.

Last updated 2025-02-05

Order Service - enhanced price calculation details


The Order Service now provides detailed price calculation information through the calculatedPrice field. This enhancement gives a comprehensive breakdown of prices including net values, gross values, tax details, fees, and discounts for both the entire order and individual line items.

Updated endpoints

Creating a new order as employeeAdded calculatedPrice field to order and order entries.
Creating a new order as customerAdded calculatedPrice field to order and order entries.
Retrieving order detailsAdded calculatedPrice field to order and order entries responses.
Retrieving a specific order by IDAdded calculatedPrice field to order and order entries responses.

Known problems

There are no known problems.

Last updated 2025-01-30

Order Service - new priceListId field


The priceListId field has been added to the create order endpoint.

Updated endpoints

Creating a new orderAdded a new priceListId field to the request body.

Known problems

There are no known problems.

Last updated 2025-01-30

Cart Service - new priceListId field added.


The priceListId field has been added to the get a cart endpoint. The field is populated only in the case when a returned price belongs to any price list. Otherwise the field is not returned.

Updated endpoints

Retrieving cart details by IDAdded a new priceListId (items.price.priceListId) field to the response.

Known problems

There are no known problems.

Last updated 2025-01-29

Price Match - new priceListId field added.


The priceListId field has been added to the price match endpoints. The field is populated only in the case when a returned prices belongs to any price list. Otherwise the field is not returned.

Updated endpoints

Matching price for a specific attributesAdded a new priceListId field to the response.
Matching price for session contextAdded a new priceListId field to the response.

Known problems

There are no known problems.

Last updated 2025-01-24

Algolia - added information about segments


The indexed products have a new field - segment_ids - which informs to which segments the given product is assigned.

Known problems

There are no known problems.

Last updated 2025-01-13

Availability Service - availability endpoints replacement


The availability endpoints that accept site as a query parameter, are now deprecated. They have been replaced with new endpoints that use site as a path parameter.

New endpoints

Retrieving a products availabilityNew endpoint that takes site as a path parameter is now available.
Creating a new availability for a productNew endpoint that takes site as a path parameter is now available.
Upserting availability information of a productNew endpoint that takes site as a path parameter is now available.
Deleting availability information of a productNew endpoint that takes site as a path parameter is now available.
Retrieving all availability information for a siteNew endpoint that takes site as a path parameter is now available.
Retrieving product availabilities for a siteNew endpoint that takes site as an optional query parameter is now available.

Deprecated endpoints

Retrieving a products availabilityEndpoint that takes site as a query parameter is now deprecated.
Creating a new availability for a productEndpoint that takes site as a query parameter is now deprecated.
Upserting availability information of a productEndpoint that takes site as a query parameter is now deprecated.
Deleting availability information of a productEndpoint that takes site as a query parameter is now deprecated.
Retrieving all availability information for a siteEndpoint that takes site as a query parameter is now deprecated.
Retrieving product availabilities for a siteEndpoint that takes site as a mandatory query parameter is now deprecated.

Known problems

There are no known problems.

Last updated 2025-02-18

Order Service - deprecated fields


Several fields in order's response have been deprecated in favor of new calculatedPrice and unitPrice fields. The new fields provide a more comprehensive and consistent way to access price calculations.

Deprecated order-level fields:

  • totalPrice - use calculatedPrice.finalPrice instead
  • subTotalPrice - use calculatedPrice.price or calculatedPrice.discountedPrice instead
  • taxAggregate - use calculatedPrice.finalPrice.taxAggregate instead
  • subtotalAggregate - use calculatedPrice.price instead
  • totalDiscount - use calculatedPrice.totalDiscount instead
  • feeYrnAggregate - use calculatedPrice.totalFees and items[].calculatedPrice.fees instead
  • shipping - use calculatedPrice.totalShipping instead
  • itemFeesTotal - use calculatedPrice.totalFee instead
  • paymentFeesTotal - use calculatedPrice.paymentFees instead
  • totalAuthorizedAmount - use calculatedPrice.upliftValue instead

Deprecated order item-level fields:

  • price - use unitPrice instead
  • itemPrice - use unitPrice instead
  • itemTaxInfo - use calculatedPrice.price instead
  • fees - use calculatedPrice.fees instead
  • authorizedAmount - use calculatedPrice.upliftValue instead
  • totalDiscount - use calculatedPrice.totalDiscount instead
  • externalFees - use calculatedPrice.fees instead
  • couponDiscounts - use calculatedPrice.totalDiscounts.appliedDiscounts instead

Updated endpoints

Creating a new order as employeeDeprecated response fields in favor of calculatedPrice and unitPrice
Creating a new order as customerDeprecated response fields in favor of calculatedPrice and unitPrice
Retrieving order detailsDeprecated response fields in favor of calculatedPrice and unitPrice
Retrieving a specific order by IDDeprecated response fields in favor of calculatedPrice and unitPrice

Known problems

There are no known problems.