Query parameter

You can use a standard q parameter to search for specific values.

Searching for items by string-based properties

  • By field value: q=name:apple_logo, where name is the field name and apple_logo is the desired value.
  • By localized field value: q=name.en:apple_logo, where name is the field name, en is the language code, and apple_logo is the value expressed in the specified language.
    This query works only for localized fields, which are stored in a Map format where the key is the language code and the value is the translation in the specified language.

Searching for items by number-based property

  • With a specific value: q=mixins.productCustomAttributes.maxOrderQuantity:20
  • With a value greater than: q=mixins.productCustomAttributes.maxOrderQuantity:>20
  • With a value less than: q=mixins.productCustomAttributes.maxOrderQuantity:<20
  • With a value greater than or equal to: q=mixins.productCustomAttributes.maxOrderQuantity:>=20
  • With a value less than or equal to: q=mixins.productCustomAttributes.maxOrderQuantity:<=20
  • With a value within a range of values: q=mixins.productCustomAttributes.maxOrderQuantity:(>=10 AND <=20), where mixins.productCustomAttributes.maxOrderQuantity is the field name, and 10 and 20 define the range of desired values.

Other search types

Search typeExampleDescription
By date-based propertyq=metadataCreatedAt:(>="2021-05-18T07:27:27.455Z" AND <"2021-05-20T07:27:27.455Z")All number-based property queries are also valid for dates. In this case, the date should be enclosed in double quotes.
By boolean-based propertyq=categoryRestricted:trueHere, categoryRestricted is the boolean field name and true is the desired value.
With a nonexistent or null propertyq=description.en:nullHere, description.en is the field set to null or is nonexistent in the database.
With an existing propertyq=mixin:existsHere, mixin is the field that exists in the database.
With a nonexistent propertyq=mixin:missingHere, mixin is the field that does not exist in the database.
By multiple specific valuesq=id:(5c3325baa9812100098ff48f,5c3325d1a9812100098ff494)Here, id is the field name, and the values within the brackets are the desired IDs.
By multiple fieldsq=id:5c3325baa9812100098ff48f code:A705121667Here, id and code are field names. All objects containing the specified values are returned. Multiple fields (separated by spaces) can be specified. Multiple values for each field can also be specified in the format shown earlier.
With string-based properties conforming to a regexq=code:~ABCD12 or q=code:(~AB CD) for strings with spacesHere, code is the field name, and ABCD12 or AB CD are regex patterns for querying.
With a localized string-based property conforming to a regexq=name.en:~(Yoghurt im)Here, name is the field name, en is the language code, and Yoghurt im is the regex search term.